Marco Aurelio Zani de Ferranti Divertissement sur trois Romances Anglaises favorites. MVdC 156 (digital edition)

Marco Aurelio Zani de Ferranti Divertissement sur trois Romances Anglaises favorites. MVdC 156  (digital edition)

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Product Information

This digital edition appears in Marc Van de Cruys' The King's guitarist: The life and times of Marco Aurelio Zani de Ferranti (1801-1878) as well as Soundboard (Vol. XXXI, No.4, 2006), the journal of the Guitar Foundation of America.

This file contains the new engraving plus facsimiles of two different editions archived in the Rischel & Birket-Smith and Boije collections. Both were published by Schott, but include some interesting differences. These have been marked up in Adobe Acrobat to show the places unique to each edition in fingering, notation, etc. 

Product CodeDGA-001
Product TypeDigital Edition - download only

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