The Music of Luigi Sagrini includes 24 located copies of works by the 19th century guitarist Luigi Perret Sagrini published from 1825 to 1850. There are works for solo guitar, duo guitar, as well as guitar and piano. Additionally a work for guitar and piano by the guitarist Wilhelm Neuland is included at the end as it mentions it was "performed by Mr. L. Sagrini & the Author." Sagrini published over 50 songs with guitar accompaniment which are not included in this volume. The music catalog in the introduction lists details for all the works in the volume as well as all songs.
Luigi Sagrini was a child prodigy on guitar who first performed at the age of eight years old in 1817. In Paris when he was sixteen years old he performed in concert with Liszt and published his first seven opus numbers for guitar. His opus 4 was dedicated to Luigi Legnani, and Legnani in turn dedicated his opus 9 and opus 32 to Sagrini. After arriving in London in 1829 he continued publishing and performing for many years. Due to declining health he stopped performing and devoted his time to teaching and publishing songs with guitar accompaniment. It was perhaps due to his inability to continue performing and publishing that he was forgotten in the 20th century.
For detailed biographical information about Sagrini please see In Search of Sagrini.
(Robert Coldwell, A4, 282 pages)
- Introduction
- Music Catalog
- Op. 2— Variations / sur / la Polonaise de la Griselda / Opéra de Mr. Paër / pour la Guitare / Avec Accompt. d’une seconde Guitare / Par / Louis Sagrini
- Op. 4— Grandes Variations / pour / Guitare, / sur un thême de Racio Calupo / Dédiées / á Mr. L. Legnani / par / L. Sagrini
- Op. 5— Cinq / Divertissements / pour la / Guitare / Accordée en mi Majeur / Compose Dédie / a / Madame Ashton / par / Luigi Sagrini
- Op. 5(b)— Five / Divertimentos, / for the / Guitar, / tuned in E major, / Composed & Dedicated to / Mrs. Ashton, / by / Louis Sagrini
- Op. 6— Variations / Brillantes / suivies de six / Petites Pieces Recréatives / Composées / pour la / Guitare / et Dediées à son Elevè / Mr. Edouard le Camus / par / Louis Sagrini / au Ménestrel Français
- Op. 7— Grandes Variations et Finale / Pour la Guitare Seule / sur un thême original / Composés et dédiés / a / Madame Adelle Pascal née Valentin. / par / Louis Sagrini
- Op. 9— Extract as number 142 of Ferdinand Pelzer's One Hundred and Fifty Exercises
- Op. 11— Variations / Brillantes / Sur un Thême Allemand, / pour Guitare, / Composées et Dediées / à Miss Holdship, / par / Luigi Sagrini
- Op. 12— Variations Brillantes / Sur un Air de Rossini / Pour Guitare / Composées et Dédiées / à Monsieur A. de Blaive, / par / Luigi Sagrini.
- Op. 11 & 12 — Deux / Variations / Brillantes / No. 1 / Thême Allemand, / No. 2 / Thême de Rossini, / pour Guitare, / Composées et dediées à Miss Holdship, / par / Luigi Sagrini
- Op. 13, Liv. 2— La Recreation des Élèves, ou / Choix de plusieurs Morceaux favorits, / de / Rossini, Boieldieu, Weber, / et / autres motifs originaux / Pour la / Guitare, / Composes et Dédies à / Miss Beaujean, / par / Luigi Sagrini
- Op. 13(b) —Récréation des Amateurs / Sept Morceaux / choisis des plus jolis Opéra / arrangés pour la Guitare / et Dediés / à Mademoiselle Th. Beaujon / par / Louis Sagrini
- Op. 16— Select Airs, / from / Masaniello, / Arranged for / Two Guitars, / And Dedicated to / Mrs. Meyrich. / by / Luigi Sagrini
- Op. 20, No. 1— No. 1 / Divertissement, / pour / Guitare, / Composés et Dédiés / a / The Honble. Miss Sophia Upton, / par / Luigi Sagrini.
- Op. 24— Cinq Airs Choisis, / de / Masaniello, / ou / La Muette de Portici, / d’Auber / pour / Guitare / Dediés avec Permission à / Miss Cavendish, / par / Luigi Sagrini
- Op. 27— Fantaisie / pour / la Guitare / avec Accompagnement de Piano / sur l’Air: O cara memoria / de Carafa / Dédiée / à Madame la Marquise de Bristol / et Composé par / Luigi Sagrini
- G: 1— Souvenirs de Bohème, / Four Favorite National Melodies / as Sung by the / Bohemian Brothers, / arranged for / The Guitar, / and Dedicated to / Lady Caroline Legge, / by / Luigi Sagrini.
- G: 2— The Celebrated / Galoppade, / Arranged in an / Easy & Brilliant Manner, / for the / Guitar, / by / Luigi Sagrini.
- G: 3— Easy & Brilliant Fantaisie, / for the / Guitar, / on / Bellini’s Favorite Air / Tu vedrai la sventurata. / Composed & Dedicated to / Miss Sophia Ferrari, / by / Luigi Sagrini
- G: 4— Favorite Waltz, / for the / Guitar, / The Subject from Rossini’s / La Gazza Ladra. / Sagrini
- G: 9— Valse Favorite / Du Duc de Reichstadt, / pour la Guitare, / dédiée à son ami / David Maurigy, / par / Luigi Sagrini.
- GP: 1— Variations Concertantes / sur un Thême original / de Rossini / pour Piano et Guitare / Composées et Dediées / à Madame la Comtesse de Guilfort / par / G. Osborne et L. Sagrini
- GP: 3— No. 1 / Strauss’ Gems, / Arranged / for / Guitar & Piano, / By / Louis Sagrini & Wm. Forde.
- M: 3— A Guide to the Guitar, / an / Easy and Agreeable / Instruction, / For that Instrument / containing / The First Rudiments of Music / Illustrated by various / Scales, Preludes tasteful Exercises & Melodies / by / Luigi Sagrini
- M: 4— A Set of / Preludes, Exercises, & Airs, / for Advanced Pupils, / being an Appendix, / to the / Guide to the Guitar, / by / Luigi Sagrini.
- No. 7 of Neuland’s Duets for Guitar & Piano Forte. / L’amo, ah l’amo, e m’è più cara, / The favorite Air, / in / Bellini’s Opera, / I Capuleti e Montecchi, / Arranged as a Duet for the / Guitar & Piano Forte, / And Dedicated to / The Misses Jenkins, / By / W. Neuland